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Research Vision

Developed countries are facing the nascent of a new tech revolution brought by deeply intelligent robots, AI, IoT, etc.,  where physical assets, sensors, and robots work together in a symbiotic relationship. The built environment will certainly be part of this revolution due to the potential and the relative low-cost of digitalization and robotic technology when compared to the huge inspection and maintenance (I&M) costs of its infrastructures (energy, transportation, cities, etc.).

Research topics

  • Structural damage diagnostics through sensors’ data-model fusion by Bayesian methods
  • Prognostics and Health Management (PHM)
  • Computing statistics and algorithms for SHM and PHM
  • Structural health monitoring through aerial robots
  • Structures/Infrastructure autonomous maintenance through self-adaptive expert systems
  • Digital Twin technology for physical assets (structures)


  • Composite & Aeronautical structures
  • Autonomous inspections of physical assets
  • Railway track degradation
  • Non-linear damage diagnostics of concrete structures



The iPMLab is part of the Engineering and Infrastructures Research Group (TEP-190) and also member of the Andalusian Data Science and Computational Intelligence Institute (DIH-DaSCI Innovation Hub {}). We enjoy research participation among the following projects:

European training network in intelligent prognostics and health management in composite structures ( PI & Coordinator: Dr. Manuel Chiachío. Participants: Dr. Juan Chiachío (Supervisor), Prof. Francisco Herrera, (Co-Supervisor), Mr. Juan Fernández Salas (MSCA ESR Fellow), Mr. Ali Saleh (MSCA ESR Fellow), Ms. María Megia (Project Manager), Dr. Rafael Beltrán (Tutoring chair). Budget: 2.67 M€

HYPERION ( -Development of a decision support system for improved resilience & sustainable reconstruction of historic areas to cope with climate change & extreme events based on novel sensors and modelling tools . PI at UGR (Prof. Enrique Hernández). Researchers: Prof. Mª Luisa Gil, Dr. Manuel Chiachío, Dr. Juan Chiachío, Dr. Mª Lourdes Jalón. Budget: 386K€.

Taq-I-Kisra Novel management tools for intelligent maintenance of existing concrete structures (REF RTI2018-101841-B-C21). PI: Prof. Enrique Hernández and Prof. Mª Luisa Gil. Researchers: Dr. Mª Lourdes Jalón, Dr. Juan Chiachío, Dr. Manuel Chiachío, Dr. Mª José Echevarría, Mr. Ramón Suárez (IoT specialist). Budget: 151K€.

Robotic inspection of structures using drones REF PPJI2018-04. PI: Dr. Manuel Chiachío. Participants: Dr. José M. Terrés, Dr. Juan Fco. Reinoso, Dr. Rafael Muñoz, Mr. Juan J. Quiñones (pilot and researcher) , Mr. Ramón Suárez (IoT specialist and Drone expert). Budget: 1500 € plus 2 years-contract IoT specialist.


Life is sometimes surprising, and yes, we lead a digital twin research at the time that we’re physical twins! Our careers are almost exactly parallel and we’re our best collaborators ever.


About the physical twins

Picture taken in 2014 during their PhD dissertation

Dr. Juan & Manuel Chiachío (MCEng, MSc, PhD), are experts in applied prognostics methods, engineering applications of AI algorithms, Bayesian methods in engineering and maintenance modelling. They obtained their Ph.D. in 2014, Drs. Chiachío have successfully established an outstanding record of accomplishment authoring >30 high impact papers accruing more than 500 citations, of which 14 are ranked within 1st decile, 2 patents, and 2 books. Their research have been recognized with the Silver Medal of the Technical University of Madrid (2008) for winning the 2nd place of structural design competition using composite materials, a best Global Paper Award, the Talentia Professional Fellowship (2010), and the National FPU fellowship (arguably the most prestigious individual PhD fellowship from the Government of Spain). Their research careers boosted after enjoying research stays at the California Institute of Technology (under Prof. James L. Beck, 4 months), Hamburg University of Technology (under Prof. Karl Schulte, 2 months), and NASA Ames Research Center (under Dr. Kai Goebel, 6 months), for sure, the most transformative experience after living a science & technology immersion within the hearth of Silicon Valley. Their international careers continued after their PhD at the University of Nottingham (UK) as postdoctoral scholars of the Resilience Engineering Research Group led by Prof. John Andrews during almost 3 years, and (only Juan in 2018) at the Naval Arch. Ocean and Marine Engineering Dept., Strathclyde University (6 months). First Manuel in 2018 Manuel and then Juan in 2019 won one faculty position each at the University of Granada, Dept. of Structural Mechanics and Hydraulic Engineering.  Their international research careers have contributed successfully in establishing an active international network of collaborations such as Caltech, TUHH, NASA, University of Nottingham, Tech. University of Braunschweig, Politecnico di Milano, Delft University of Technology, CEA-List, DLR, American University of Beirut, Imperial College, Centrale Supelec, PARC, GE Research, SIEMENS, to cite but any (please refer to the list of collaborators). Dr. Manuel Chiachío is currently the Coordinator and Principal Investigator of one MSCA- ITN-H2020 project named ENHAnCE, being one of the younger H2020 coordinators in his country. They are both members of the scientific committee of the European Society of Prognostics, members of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, and members of the Spanish Council of Civil Engineers.


Their overall mission and vision is to transform built structures and infrastructures from being physical to cyber-physical to enhance maintenance, extend remaining useful life, and anticipate failures. In summary, they’re primary aim is to convey the required digital transformation of the built environment.


Dr. Manuel Chiachío Ruano
Principal Investigator & Founder
mchiachio@ugr.esLinkedInResearch Gate
Dr. Juan Chiachío Ruano
Principal Investigator &Co- Founder
Pilar Rodríguez Puente
Project administration (active)
Dr. Lourdes Jalón Ramírez
Postdoctoral Researcher (active)
Dr. María Megía Cardeñoso
Postdoctoral Researcher (active)
Masoud Haghbin
PhD researcher (active)
EmailResearch GateLinkedIn
Antonio Sánchez López Cuervo
FPU researcher (active)
Emilio Daroch
PhD Researcher (active)
Mohammad Ismail
PhD researcher-IFMIF-DONES (active)
New recruited researcher (ESR10) Intelliwind project
MSCA fellow (active)
New recruited researcher (ESR 15) Intelliwind project
MSCA fellow (active)
Dr. Juan Fernández Salas
MSCA ESR Fellow (alumni)
Mr. José Andrés Barros Cabeza
PhD Researcher (alumni)
Mr. Ali Saleh
MSCA ESR Fellow (alumni)
Ramón Suárez Pérez
IT Electronic Technician (alumni)

Research Colaborators

“The following list highlights our primary research networking, the collaborators with whom we write papers/books, proposals, and participate in projects and doctorate training”

Prof. Athanasios Kolios
Strathclyde University, United Kingdom
Prof. John Andrews
Nottingham University, United Kingdom
Prof. Arthur Jones
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Dr. Darren Prescott
Nottingham University, United Kingdom
Dr. Dimitrios Chronopoulos
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Dr. Mirvo Kovac
Imperial College, United Kingdom
Dr. Sergio Cantero Chinchilla
University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Prof. James L. Beck
California Institute of Technology, USA
Dr. Kai Goebel
NASA Ames Research Center & PARC, USA
Dr. Shankar Sankararaman
NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Dr. Abhinav Saxena
NASA Ames Research Center & GE Global Research, USA
Prof. Charles Farrar
Los Alamos National Lab, USA
Dr. Dimitrios Zarouchas
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Prof. Rinze Benedictus
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Prof. Peter Weirach
German Aerospace Center, Germany
Prof. Herman Matthies
Technische Universitat Braunschweig, Germany
Dr. Daniel Schmidt
German Aerospace Center, Germany
Prof. Alain Lhemery
CEA List, France
Dr. Bastien Chapuis
CEA List, France
Ir. David Dumas
Centre de recherche en aéronautique, Belgium
Ms. Ingrid Lepot
Centre de recherche en aéronautique, Belgium
Dr. María Rodríguez
Dr. Almudena del Teso Vicente
Prof. Enrico Zio
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Prof. Piero Baraldi
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Prof. Francesco Cadini
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Dr. Claudio Sbarufatti
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Prof. Walter Mera
Catholic University of Guayaquil, Ecuador
Dr. José María Terrés Nicoli
Oritia & Boreas & University of Granada, Spain
Dr. Rafael Muñoz Beltrán
University of Granada, Spain
Prof. Guillermo Rus Carlborg
University of Granada, Spain
Prof. Enrique Hernández Montes
University of Granada, Spain
Prof. María Luisa Gil Martín
University of Granada, Spain
Prof. Rafael Gallego Sevilla
University of Granada, Spain
Dr. María Lourdes Jalón Ramírez
University of Granada, Spain
Dr. Samir Mustapha
American University of Beirut, Leabanon
Ir. Mohammad Ali Fakih
American University of Beirut, Leabanon
Dr. Eleni Chatzi
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Marcos Orchard
University of Chile, Chile
Dr. David E. Acuña
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Prof. Lambros Katafygiotis
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Prof. Costas Papadimitriu
University of Thessaly, Greece
Dr. Noémi Friedman
SZTAKI, Hungary
Mr. Paolo Brianzoni
Helvetis SA, Switzerland
Ms. Elisabeth Perez Garcia
Everis ADS, Spain
Dr. Marcos Quintana González
Everis ADS, Spain
Mr. Ramón Jesús Suárez Pérez
MKSoft, Spain
